Wednesday, May 16, 2012


...All alone with my thoughts...
“Your mind has a natural ability to be quiet. When it becomes quiet, you are in touch with your genius. Albert Einstein said the ideas that led him to the theory of relativity came during moments of quiet reflection. Mozart heard sonatas and symphonies resonating through the silent reaches of his mind. All he had to do was write them down. We know that Isaac Newton came up with laws of motion and gravity while relaxing under an apple tree. Whether he actually got hit in the head by that apple or not, no one knows, but there is no doubt that his quiet mind yielded a treasure of knowledge. We could cite more examples, but you get the point. Silent mind has great creativity. But this is not all. Silent mind is peaceful, blissful and healthy, and radiates these qualities out through the person to the surroundings. People who know how to cultivate quiet mind not only are in touch with their inner creativity, they also radiate a youthfulness and optimism that effects everyone nearby. They have "good vibrations."…”  -Yogani

                     Yoga and meditation; to a beginner from a beginner,

On my journey I have studied and dabbled in many things from Chakra meditations to yoga practices and I have been doing this for quite some time now. Even still, I consider myself to be a beginner at everything.  My mind still doesn’t clear easily, I tend to lose focus, my balance isn’t where I would like it to be, etc..I can go on…The point is when you decide to tackle yoga or any soul searching, bring-to-one, higher awareness routines or practices, do it at your own pace and limitations.  Life is a personal journey with yourself, and when combined with meditative techniques and prayer your life can change drastically ….I’m growing; still….

                                      Yoga…because I love it…

What is Yoga-à Originating as a Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility.  Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is consists of Ancient Theories, observations and principles about the mind and body connection which is now being proven by modern medicine.  Also stated as “a system of exercises practiced as part of this discipline to promote control of the body and mind”  Today yoga is on a worldwide spread and is being used to create stability, calmness, balance, bring-to-one with self, and also, when used with meditative techniques to shine light on your higher self and achieve a higher awareness and/or enlightened state of being….

Who does yoga-àEVERYONE!!! From the young to the old, from the super-athletic to the ill and infirm, everyone can benefit from a regular yoga practice. Yoga has innumerable benefits to anyone who decides to take on any form/practice of yoga….

How does yoga and fitness relate-àYoga is one of the most popular fitness activities in the world today, it improves blood circulation just like any other exercise or physical activity, it helps improve the supply of oxygen-rich to the rest of your body. Though yoga is more low-intensity than cardio exercises and weight training, it works on all the major areas of your body and lets you exert just as much effort as high-intensity exercises.  One of my favorite benefits with yoga is flexibility yoga has positions that act upon the various joints of the body including those joints that are never really on the ‘radar screen’ let alone exercised and through this there is a increase in the lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons.  

Besides physical fitness, Yoga is great for athletes (In which today many athletic programs are incorporating yoga into their weekly routine) because it’s a great way to incorporate balance exercises with training on the court, field, etc… Balance tends to go under the radar when it comes to athletes, but are one of the most effective ways to correct muscle imbalance, body mechanic problems, and decrease the chance of many injuries.

When beginning yoga-àWell, you must first remember that when you decide to take on yoga, you’re beginning a new journey, and on this journey you should focus more on the moments and not the outcome and result. Simply, Enjoy the road to a greater you.  Keep in mind your limitations and personal goals, as this will guide you along the way.  Everyone will not be on the same level but ultimately you are all trying to achieve the same things.  So keep your focus on you, your thoughts, and energy. Your mind and body will tell you how far you can go if you truly listen. Be aware of what is being done by others in the class, but do not concern yourself with it--remember this is your time, your practice. The first step to overcoming limitations is to realize what they are and then challenge yourself to go further. If you are new to Yoga this is great because beginner classes tend to be smaller in number, which means you get more personal attention. This will be a great help in getting a good foundation and learning correct form.

A site that I visit quite often and find to be informative that I suggest all beginners to check out --à

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